Hydrateme Ultra Hydrating Lotion
Hydrateme Natural Ingredients
Hydrateme No Nasties
Hydrateme Vitiligo Supporting Product


€28,95 €18,95

Cremă hidratantă delicată și ultra hrănitoare formulată cu ulei de Nigella, Aloe Vera și unt de Shea pentru a bloca hidratarea, oferind hidratare naturală 24 de ore din 24.

Mărime: 145g / 5.11oz

145g / 5.11oz

Hidrateme: BUY 1


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Hydrateme  (Loțiune ultrahidratantă) este o cremă hidratantă naturală concepută pentru a hidrata și calma pielea afectată, ajutând în același timp la prevenirea iritațiilor. Cu extracte calmante de aloe vera, shea și unt de nucă de cocos, puteți fi sigură că această cremă hidratantă naturală vă va lăsa să vă simțiți tonifiată și revigorată. Acesta conține un amestec de uleiuri hrănitoare precum Nigella și Olive pentru a proteja pielea, reparând în același timp zonele deteriorate pentru a ajuta la uniformizarea tonului pielii.


Începeți cu pielea proaspăt curățată. Utilizați un produs de curățare delicat adecvat tipului dvs. de piele pentru a îndepărta murdăria, machiajul și impuritățile.

Puneți o cantitate mică de cremă hidratantă, de obicei o cantitate de mărimea unui bob de mazăre, pe vârfurile degetelor. Frecați crema hidratantă între vârfurile degetelor sau palme pentru a o încălzi ușor. Acest lucru ajută la aplicarea uniformă.

Aplicați cât de des doriți pe pielea curată. Utilizați o mișcare ușoară de masaj pentru a ajuta crema hidratantă să pătrundă în piele. Acest lucru poate îmbunătăți circulația și absorbția.

Hydrateme se utilizează cel mai bine între rutina zilnică de aplicare a Vitiligo Organics. Acesta poate fi aplicat pe zonele afectate și neafectate pentru un sprijin continuu pentru sănătatea pielii.


Apă purificată (Aqua), glicerol, ulei de măsline, unt de cocos, acid stearic, alcool cetilic stearilic, suc de Aloe Vera, unt de Shea, ulei de Nigella, monostearat de glicerol, alcool benzilic, ulei esențial de Lim, peptidă de cupru, fenoxietanol.


Ulei de Nigella
Cunoscut și ca ulei de semințe negre, uleiul de Nigella este un remediu natural consacrat, renumit pentru proprietățile sale antioxidante și antiinflamatorii. Ajută la protejarea pielii de radicalii liberi, reducând semnele de îmbătrânire și promovând un ten mai tânăr.

Unt de shea
Extras din nucile arborelui de shea, untul de shea este un emolient plin de nutrienți care hidratează pielea în profunzime, fără a bloca porii. Hrănește și calmează pielea uscată, iritată și îi sporește elasticitatea naturală.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, adesea salutată ca remediul naturii pentru hidratare, face minuni prin refacerea și calmarea pielii. Proprietățile sale excepționale întineresc și calmează pielea, fiind alegerea perfectă pentru revitalizarea pielii obosite sau expuse la soare.

Unt de cocos
Extras din nuci de cocos proaspete, untul de cocos este un deliciu tropical pentru pielea ta. Bogat în acizi grași, acesta asigură o hidratare intensă și promovează un ten sănătos și tânăr.

Peptide de cupru
Astăpânind puterea peptidelor de cupru, crema noastră hidratantă stimulează producția de colagen și elastină, susținând fermitatea naturală a pielii și reducând aspectul liniilor fine și al ridurilor. De asemenea, ajută la promovarea unui ten mai sănătos, revitalizat.


Hydrateme Ultra Hydrating Lotion VItiligo Supporting Product

What It Does For You

  • Nigella Oil promotes skin pigmentation.

  • Shea Butter nourishes and soothes dry skin.

  • Aloe Vera rejuvenates and calms the skin.

  • Coconut Butter intensifies skin moisture and combats free radicals.

  • Copper Peptide stimulates the regeneration of melanocytes.

  • Olive oil improves skin elasticity and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Scientifically Formulated & Naturally Sourced

Formulated with finest natural ingredients. Gentle and effective for all skin types.
Hydrateme Inside Vitiligo Supporting Product
Nigella Oil
Nigella Oil contains thymoquinone, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, which can protect the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

Copper Peptide

Copper peptides have been suggested to have the potential to stimulate melanocyte activity. It can also enhance the penetration of other skincare ingredients. This property can be advantageous when using other topical products in combination with copper peptides.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is often used to soothe and hydrate the skin, which can be beneficial for individuals with vitiligo, especially in areas where the skin is dry or irritated. Its hydrating properties can also provide soothing relief to sun-exposed skin and help with the healing process.


I've been using hydrateme skin moisturizer for a month now, and I'm in love with the results! My skin feels incredibly soft, and my fine lines seem less noticeable. It's become an essential part of my skincare routine.
S Nabeel
Verified Buyer
With oily skin, finding a moisturizer that doesn't leave my face feeling greasy is a challenge. But this product absorbs quickly and keeps my skin hydrated all day. Plus, my complexion looks more even and refreshed.
M Stevenson
Norwich, UK
Verified Buyer
I have sensitive skin and have struggled to find a moisturizer that doesn't irritate my face. hydrateme is gentle and soothing, and I've had no adverse reactions. It's helped improve my skin's texture, and I couldn't be happier.
E Roger
ON, Canada
Verified Buyer
I started using Hydrateme™  Skin Moisturizer on my neck and hands, and I've noticed a significant difference in the texture and appearance of those areas. It's made my skin feel incredibly smooth and nourished.
W Hanly
Verified Buyer
I work outdoors, and my skin takes a beating throughout the day. Hydrateme has been my go-to moisturizer to combat dryness and maintain my skin's health. The copper peptides really seems to help with skin repair after a long day in the sun.
N Gupta
UT, India
Verified Buyer

What Sets Us Apart

  • Australian Made

  • cGMP Certified

  • Cruelty Free

  • Vegan Approved

  • For All Skin Types

  • Microbiological Tested

  • Scientifically Formulated

  • Plant Based Natural Product

  • Topical & Hassle Free Application

  • Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Hydrateme unique compared to other moisturizers?

Hydrateme stands apart as a specialized skincare solution meticulously crafted to address the unique needs of individuals grappling with pigmentation loss. Its differentiating factor lies in its multifaceted formula, designed not only to deliver optimal hydration but also to actively assist in the ongoing management of uneven skin tone.

Is Hydrateme suitable for all skin types?

Yes, moisturizer is formulated to be gentle and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The natural ingredients used are unlikely to cause irritation or clog pores, making it a versatile option for everyone.

How often should I use Hydrateme?

For optimal results, we recommend using the moisturizer twice daily – once in the morning and once at night. Apply a small amount to clean, dry skin and gently massage until fully absorbed.

How long does one tube of Hydrateme typically last?

The longevity of the product depends on individual usage, but one container should last approximately 4-6 weeks with regular twice-daily application.

Can I use this moisturizer on my body as well as my face?

Absolutely! Our moisturizer is designed for use on both the face and body. Its nourishing formula can benefit your skin wherever it needs hydration and rejuvenation.

Is the product free from harmful chemicals like parabens and sulphates?

Yes, Hydrateme is free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, sulphates, and synthetic fragrances. We prioritize using natural, skin-loving ingredients to ensure the highest quality product.

What is the shelf life of Hydrateme?

The longevity of moisturizer typically extends to 12 months from the date of opening when stored under proper conditions: in a cool, dry environment, shielded from direct sunlight.

Can I use Hydrateme with other skincare products?

Yes, you can incorporate our moisturizer into your existing skincare routine. It pairs well with most other skincare products, but for best results, we recommend applying it after cleansing and toning but before any serums or treatments.

How long will it take to see results with Hydrateme?

Individual results may vary, but many users notice improvements in their skin's hydration and texture within a few days of regular use. For long-term benefits like reduced fine lines or improved skin tone, consistent use over several weeks is recommended.

Can I apply this moisturizer on my oily skin?

Yes, moisturizer is suitable for oily skin as well. Despite containing natural oils, the lightweight formula absorbs quickly and won't leave your skin feeling greasy. It helps balance the skin's moisture without causing excess oil production.

Does Hydrateme have a scent?

Our moisturizer has a pleasant, subtle natural scent derived from the combination of its nourishing ingredients. Rest assured that it does not contain any synthetic fragrances that might irritate sensitive skin.

Can men use Hydrateme Skin Moisturizer?

Absolutely! It is suitable for all genders and can be beneficial for men seeking to maintain healthy and hydrated skin.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we stand behind the quality and efficacy of our products. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please reach out to our customer support team, and we will be happy to assist you with a refund or exchange.

Can Hydrateme be used during all seasons?

Absolutely! Our moisturizer is designed to provide hydration and nourishment all year round, adapting to your skin's needs in different weather conditions.

Is this product cruelty-free and vegan-friendly?

Yes, we are proud to say that Hydrateme is cruelty-free and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. It is suitable for vegans and animal lovers alike.