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Social Reviews*

Check what our customers have to say about their experience with Vitiligo Organics. These screenshots were collected from different independent social media platforms, and the list keeps on growing every day.
Sandra Santos
I have to say it worked for me but when I had my daughter I stopped the treatment but I'm going to start again but it works

Translated From Portuguese
Grace Andrade
I got this for my husband and if it works.

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Diana Bugueño Rojas
If it works it's wonderful, just like this it starts to pigment, pure small dots that then manage to cover everything, I started to pigment at 3 weeks.

Translated From Spanish
Ylli Kallmi
Artesha Parsotan I bought it in Australia for my son and we have seen the results after three weeks we took before and after pictures and it works well
Jasmine Robinson
My son developed Vitiligo when he was 16, it took me a while to find this but his skin immediately started repigmenting. His face was back to full pigment with in 6 months at the most.
Mishelle Tourtillott
It does work. I have it on 50% of my body. I'm using it on the areas of my arms, legs, and upper torso. It's been 3 months and my arms and legs look better! But, I still need to go another month. I wish I discovered this years ago.
Eigege Martha Ohegbe
Vitiligo Organics I had hypopigmentation on the both sides of my neck and arm pit. My neck has started repigmenting already. I know my armpits will start soon. Thank you JESUS and thanks to vitiligo organic.
Eigege Martha Ohegbe
Siva Reddy Nadikattu Powerstar
just be took a little time, but I woke up to see a pin like dots repigmentation on a very good day, then it started spreading with time.
My neck is 99% covered.
My arm pit is 50% covered.
Becky Perry Woolridge
5 weeks of use. Above week one, below week 4. Visible patches of skin colour coming through.
Stephen Karanja
I had vitiligo on my nose and applied it for one month now and the pigment is back as before. I recommend it, especially for fresh vitiligo. I am still applying it on an old patch on my stomach but it is taking time. I will update again when I get positive results.
Mirriam Ledwaba
Stephen Karanja hi when u say fresh u mean few years or months? I have Vitiligo around my both eyes its now about years.
Stephen Karanja
Mirriam Ledwaba it was about six months old.
Randallthearchitect Fleming
Yes this product is super amazing I am getting incredibly good results on my arms and hands.
Chris Zimmerli
I've been using it around the mouth and on my hands for two months. I see a regigmentation starting. Very happy.
John Pham
Got this product in April 2024, and it works!
Jacoby Admires
It really works I’m so happy
Therese Reed Ledger
I started using Vitiligo Organics in June and also I’m using the skin greens. I love both products and will continue using them.
Vartej Adrian Nicusor
Therese Reed Ledger
and is it there any positive result?
Therese Reed Ledger
Vartej Adrian Nicusor yes, I think it’s a positive results. I’ve lost the pigmentation on the tops of my hands, but it is becoming less noticeable. The sun is no longer burning my skin as quickly.
Renata Alana
I have been using this for nearly 2 months and I'm now seeing pigment dots!!! I use it 2-3 times a day and apply very little of it. I'm excited to see what my skin will look like in another two months. Don't expect to see results in a week or two or even a month. Give it at least 2 months with 2-3 times daily. I'll update in a few months!
Pramol Tarence Lobo
After using 10 days i can see results, out of 100 got 50% results.
I recommend this product.
Jude Nde
I have been using it for six weeks now. I apply it morning and evening, and I dermaroll one time a week and I'm beginning to see results. The white patches are shrinking up and I'm seeing pigmented spots on the white patches.
Been using it for 2 months now and I see progress, slow but sure. I believe that the success of treatment is about discipline and how the body reacts
Adding other life habits and your emotionality.
Mala Calinghen
Mirriam Ledwaba I would say give it a go. I know it's expensive. My daughter had vitiligo around the corner of her mouth. It was during the covid time and she was wearing mask. The doctor gave some steroid cream. After a lot of research she gave vitiligo a go. It worked for her. She didn't even used the whole bottle. But they were small patches. Unfortunately she doesn't have any pictures.
It's the only product that regenerates color.
Using it consistently you can see its effects especially and faster on the face.

Lucía Lucía Lucía
I have vitiligo I applied this product for more than 7 months in total there were 7 large jars of 19s and nuca saw a result.
Lee Ann Newman Rezai
I know first hand this works. You just have to use it every day.
Danya Pheriel O Naas
Me too it started to improve I'm so happy now Vitiligo Organics works
Raman Lalli
Nadeem Ahmad hi, I started from 19th March and after months it started showing its effects so I m still giving it to my daughter as she still needs it.
Amber Lewis McKinley
So excited. I just got this for my 17 year old. Diagnosed age 13 and it has gotten way worse recently . Been using the product about 3 weeks and starting to see repigmentation in her newest spots. I will post pics in a couple more weeks! She is thrilled!
Amber Lewis McKinley Update! Her vitiligo is almost gone!!! All spots on her forehead and temples are gone. She had a really big spot on her chin that us now bright pink! The only spots left are around her mouth which are being more stubborn but have also started spotting. The key is sun! She was afraid of the sun but this product recommends using sunlight to activate it and we feel like that’s been key. She’s very happy! I will try to post her latest results as soon as I can track her down for a picture!
Amber Lewis McKinley Also, check skin under black light. That’s the best way to tell if the vitiligo is actually getting better. At first we thought maybe she just was losing her tan and it doesn’t show as much when she’s not tan. But even under black light its almost gone!
Ishita Thakur
Ishita Thakur Guys! Just a quick review I would like to make.

I bought this in March the way it said to use the product I hardly get time to use it two times so I just use once every night due to my work schedule. I don’t have vitiligo I used it for hypopigmentation occurred after a skin rash.
The customer service is extremely helpful and answered my each and every emails before I wanted to buy this as I was worried whether to buy or not coz I don’t have vitiligo as I had hypopigmentation thought of giving it a try.
The two spots I had on my cheeks completely blended with my skin color. The other one I can see brown pigment spreading slowly. I can definitely say this works just need to give it time I believe. I wonder if I would have used it exactly the way mentioned in the leaflet. I would have got more result but I am happy with what I got in these 2/3 months.

Thanks guys for this amazing product.
Mounzer Hassan
Mounzer Hassan My nephew had white spots on his fingers for almost one year ago, She took her son to many doctor and no one was able to give him the right medication, she had only one son, so she spent a lot of money but nothing was working right for his white spots.
One day she called me please send me some medication, because she is not living in USA. So I went to a dermatologist and told him if he can write a something for him, He told me there is no medicine for Vitiligo here. Vitiligo has no medication at all.

But he right some medication I bought for my nephew but it wasn’t working and we all were worried.

Then one day I searched on google and found Vitiligo Organics. We ordered for him and at the end of January his fingers are 100/100 fixed. Thank god and thank you so much Vitiligo Organics.

Please keep doing this great meditation.

Because doctors still don’t know about vitiligo medication.

@mehakali2717 I’m trying this Vitiligo organic nearly 4 months i can see little bit results in some spots of my skin and u have to apply in the spots and leave it for 8-10 hours daily before u sleep after that u can rinse the skin.
Meera Khan
Hello everyone!! This is my 19th year with vitiligo. First noticed it in the age of 7. I am in the process of using vitiligo organics. I can see so much changes by the grace of God. You must take vitamin D3, drink water stored in a copper vessel and a little exposure of Sunlight… Then I hope you can see some quick changes!
Julia Mombo Pelenah
I started using this product about a year ago and the results are amazing. The re-pigmentation process is near completion. And the delivery process was so smooth and speedy. Thanks to Vitiligo Organics
I promise you this oil is a cure because it’s working on me
My son used that and its effective 👌
It’s work for my son skin3… Tq vitiligoorganics
Danny Medisa
I’ve had vitiligo for over 30 years, I’ve been using vitiligo organics for three months only on my hands, elbows and neck and I’m already seeing some small freckles on my elbows and hands, I’m recovering my pigmentation 🙏
It’s working for me.

You have to have a lot of faith and perseverance
Been using it for 2 months now and I see progress, slow but sure. I believe that the success of treatment is about discipline and how the body reacts. Adding other life habits and your emotionality.

Translated From Spanish
Manuel Ortiz
I am currently using vitiligo organics. It has completely worked on my arms and hands color is all back ! My face is almost clear still have a few spots but I am confident it will all be gone soon. GREAT Product I highly recommend it! Just FYI you won’t see immediate progress it takes about 8 weeks before you will see progress but you will see it work.
Waraich Tegbir
It really work I’m using it from 1 month and I’m seeing the results.
It’s a very good product I’m using it and the first 2weeks I seen the changes in my skin 💯👌 now it’s 7 months and my colour is getting back to normal 🙏
Daniela Mendez
I’ve been using it on my 10 year old since May. Took about 2 months, but we have been seeing some great results with spots on her knees.
Constancia Dulcena
Started using this in 2020 and didn’t see the result at first, but im starting to see results now. Be patient guys, it works from the inside out. It takes time (and it depends maybe on your skin type or how long you’ve had vitiligo). I ordered my 2nd big bottle so i can continue the process
Abu Alam
It works! I have been suffering from vitiligo since my childhood. It maybe around 40 years. After using VO for 9 weeks, pigmentation started

Gunjan Pancholi
Vitiligo Organics just to give an update.. I have been using this oil on my son since Nov 2020 & whilst the initial progress was slow, I can advise that 95% of my sons vitiligo around his eyes has now gone! It took time & patience but it had worked..
Kbromnrayo Haile
I have bought this medicine it was so good. I am happy with this medicine.

Translated from Swedish
My son is using it for 3 months and very good is Results.

Translated From Spanish

Rihtahs Shathir
Im from Maldives 🇲🇻. It’s help to reduced and minimised the white pots. This is my on experience
Maryam Mp
I think people’s bodies are different, it has worked in some, I have been using it for 4 weeks, I think I am seeing its effect.
Mahmuod Ali
I am also still using the medicine and see day after day the results of the truth without deception

I have been using it for 8 months and it has worked really well for a little spot on my face 👏. In my hands the change has been little.
Translated From Spanish
Diana Lynn
It worked for me too!
Jason Uzomba
Its works perfect only 2 months

Pamela Cooper Shepard
It worked for me!
Kamaljit K Jassel
If been using this for the last two months on my daughter. And it has definitely made a difference.
Peralta Ronquillo..
Aurel Mishaxhi I’m using this product too, and yes it works on hands

Highly recommend! This product is so good, be consistent 😊
Ewa Marchut
Love this. It works miracles!
Archana Kiran
An amazing product.. thanks alot.

Shalby Haridas
Lips vitiligo remove by using this product
Renia Mavbanks
I have purchased this and have seen vast improvement on my face and neck. Now it is starting to improve my hands. I was skeptical, but happy to try anything within reason. So pleased so far.
Annie Fowler
Mohammed Garundole im a black female with about 98 percent of my neck area under attack from vitiligo. Im using the creme for about a month and im seeing results. freckles are appearing in the affected. So try it.

Nishu Kochhar
I started using this product from May this year and there is significant results on my daughter’s face and knees…I hope her feet also to be good soon….Apply with clean hands two times daily…in night before going to bed….
Diana Bugueño Rojas

Nancy Alejos Hello it’s true, I’m from Chile 🇨🇱 in February I started using this product with vitiligo that I was just starting and now I have nothing, pigmentation returned 💛 I recommend it, it’s an expensive product but it’s worth it.

I invested a lot in other products and nothing worked, only cytologists Vitiligo Organics 💛
Ema Appadoo Baldawoo
Hello,am from Mauritius .I have been using this lotion for my son since 2 really works after 6 months of daily use .only a few patches left but still using for best results..I would suggest to try it side effect its natural .
But you need to have minimum 15 mins sun therapy daily …morning sun best ….but do not expose yourself directly in full sun it will become work.

Hassan Haashi
Hassan Haashi In 2016 my son had vitiligo but at this time I’m so worried my son and I go take to me and my son was showing doctor change become and then I don’t they have any dick him into our border and then I’m so worried after 2 months I will searching in internet and I see vitiligo organic and then I order after that my son would be hanged him back to his skin I’m so happy at this time and then I support.
Joselyn Balcarse
I must admit that I didn’t have much hope, but since the 3rd month I started to see the pigmentation again in my face, to me. I function by being. consistent with the app. I am very happy!! I am from chile
Becca Ranario
I use It also, And I see Changes And pigmentations are coming Back, I use it Togther with PUVa Phototherapy and it’s works. Sking color is Already there.. I thank God for this product I hope This will Be the instrument that My Vitiligo will not spread anymore.

Tatiana Tzoulia
I used it for two months, not for vitiligo but for idiopathic Hypomelanosis and it completely restored color. Thank you!
Marissa Cart
I purchased this product. It arrived earlier than I thought. It is working after three weeks I am seeing results. I have had vitiligo 34 years so I have a lot but I am getting pigmentation and freckles everywhere except for my oldest spots. So far I am not seeing those being affected. Either way I’m very happy
Dawit Haile
Amrita Hitesh Dandotia May daughter was 3 years old at the time we noticed.. at the time started really tiny maybe she was 2 and 6 month years then but slowly it became bigger and it went both sides of her chicks. We tried everything before Vitiligo..but this product worked on my daughter. Goood luck
Yaqueline Maria Giraldo

Almost 6 years ago | have vitiligo, this is the second time l’ve used something to treat this condition. Three years ago I used Cuba’s treatment for more than a year without getting any results. A month and a half ago I’m using Vitiligo organics and I’m surprised with the results, slowly I’ve been watching my skin is getting pigmented again.

Translated From Spanish

Tina Gajjar
Brad Hussey Does this really work? I got it on my hands and would love for it to disappear.
Tina Gajjar Yes, it does….my patches on either side of my eyes have disappeared. Gary w. Baker I used it for approximately 6 weeks before the pigment started regenerating.
Luul Ibraahim

Luul Ibraahim I Ordered x2 Abdi Ali

Toni Kelso My son has vitiligo & we’ve been using it for 7 months now. It takes time, but it does work!
Rita Maher
Jan Tassinari Sounds too good to be true so it probably is 😏
Rita Maher Well it’s working for me, you have to be patient, and diligent in applying it everyday. Take a while to see the results, but it definitely works.
Cameron Howe
Leticia Beltran I’ve used this on and off for 3-4 months due to financial restraints…but I swear it works!!! It’s definitely not an apply once and cured type thing as the pigment returns in small random spots on affected areas. But with Consistent application…you will definitely start to see results!!!
Ruth Collins
Amrita Hitesh Dandotia May daughter was 3 years old at the time we noticed.. at the time started really tiny maybe she was 2 and 6 month years then but slowly it became bigger and it went both sides of her chicks. We tried everything before Vitiligo..but this product worked on my daughter. Goood luck
Tanin Rashedy
Tanin Rashedy Been using it for 1 year now and have seen amazing improvements. For the value it is well worth. Would recommend it to anyone. Thank you very much for this amazing miracle product.
Vivian Ntani
My son has been using this and the results are amazing
Used this product and it works really good👏
Leo Gip
Getting result in 3.5 weeks, dark spots appear now. I combined with multiple treatments
Martin Sanchez
Martin Sanchez Any photos of happy customers before and after on here that can share?…. thanks in advance.
Mildred Cabrera My dad has been using it for a month now and the spots turn pink thus far. One area completely blended with the skin, it just takes commitment to put it on everyday.
Martin Sanchez Mildred Cabrera Thanks for the reply…. I’ve been using for 2 months but haven’t seen any changes to be honest but hopefully soon I will.
Claudia Camacho
Claudia Camacho There is so many people that say this works but no before and after pictures at all.
Tina Gajjar Claudia Camacho I have before and after photos if you’re interested.

Just message me and I’ll send it to you. I can’t seem to add any photos here. But I had vitiligo in 2013. My dermatologist said nothing can be done. My husband found vitiligo organics and used it for about 8-10 weeks… the pigments regenerated and I’ve been spot free since.

So if you need any pictures … let me know.
Claudia Camacho Tina Gajjar Thank you i’ll let u know
Ahamed Ansar
Ahamed Ansar Hello, how can I get the vitiligo organics for my ten years old boy. I am from India. Please help him.
Mike Smee I have been suffering from small amounts of vitiligo on my arms for about 4 years (I’m now 50). My mother has had extensive vitiligo for about 40 years, so maybe it runs in the family? I must say Vitiligo Organics did work for me. Took 8 months of applying daily and even then it was the following summer and getting in the sun that finally saw the skin re-pigment. It may not work for everyone, but I can honestly say that it did work for me.
Jin Wang Bushong
Jin Wang Bushong I bought this for my brother in law. His hands has that kind problems. It is really work on him.
Danielle Gearhart
Danielle Gearhart I am 3 weeks in and I am seeing results! I find wearing rubber gloves on my hands after I apply helps a lot since that is were I am mostly affected.
Er Rahul RV Verma
Er Rahul RV Verma It has been used by one of the close friend and due to the effectiveness of this organic medicine he is curing now.
Ashleigh Brett
Ashleigh BrettI just ordered mine. I hoping it works as good as it claims, do you have any results?
Chrissy DePaolantonio Hi. I have used it for a few months and notice a difference on my face. I applied it every night on my face but it hit n miss on my arms. I’m really happy with it since I was more self concise of my face. I hope this helps!

Ashleigh Brett Chrissy DePaolantonio Thanks for your reply! 😊 I’ve got it on my hands, neck, arms and thighs so I’m hoping I can get some results 😊

Pranav Patel Chrissy DePaolantonio Hello, I hope this product has worked for you, I want to know if you have actually got positive results from it. My mum has got it and its on spreading stage, your reply would help me make up my mind. Thanks in advance.
Chrissy DePaolantonio Pranav Patel Yes it has helped me! More so on similar spots I can see a difference. Some of my larger areas it looks like it’s working, just a bit longer time. I hope this helps 😊
Taishary M Ruiz
Taishary M RuizI used this before on my daughter it really worked I need to order more.
Elva Castillo Do you recommend it?
Taishary M Ruiz Yes I do I’m actually going to order more.
Lucero Antunez her, color started coming back months later put it twice a day in the morning and at night after she shower she started getting hers at of 6 and the doctor gave me some cream but after reading that it can cause skin cancer I stop using it later on my sister started looking online for something and came across this organic oil so we gave it a try.

Lucero Antunezz you can see the difference in couple of months.
Wilimer Merino Taishary M Ruiz can you share pictures of the organic oil? Which of the products they offer worked on your beautiful daughter? I’ve had this since 20 years old I’ve tried the laser and the cream dermatologist recommend in the USA and nothing works for me. I would really appreciate a little more info. Merry Christmas!!
Kelly Russam
Kelly Russam Has anyone really tried this product? Does it really work? I’d love to buy it but I’m not going to waste my money till I see the actual proof that it works.
Vitiligo Organics Hi Kelly Russam, vitiligo organics has helped many vitiligo sufferers worldwide. Please visit our website to see real customer reviews with pictures. We offer money back guarantee. Therefore, you will not waste your money while trying vitiligo organics.
Selema Garth Yes, it takes times. I tried this product a few years ago. For 6 months and I noticed little changes, immediately I stopped progressing , properly used during the summer months eating lot a of protein and exposure to sunlight for about an hour a day, my vitiligo has began to reverse it self. So yes the product works but you have to follow quite a schedule a daily, sun exposure, fish and vitamins b , b complex, e, fish oils, and a fre others. But I promise it works. I cured myself. Less then 1% of my body is vitiligo which is a small dots on my finger tips and one spot on my foot. Before my face and both hands and one foot was decolored . Goooood luck !!!
Leona A Williams
Yanys Yanys Hi! Does anyone know if it is good?
Leona A Williams I used this product and it has definitely improved my vitiligo I also use steam rooms regularly and have an alkaline diet as it helps it’s slow progress but there are more melanocytes around the areas on my face.
Lynda Peatey
Lynda Peatey Anyone actually used this product with success???
Nefertity Dickson I had vitiligo all over my face and ears and other parts of my body and because of Vitiligo Organics it’s all gone!!
Mamun Abdullah
Mamun Abdullah Hi does it work or advert like others.
Jamila Bajja Mamun Abdullah Yes, it helps I bought it for my cousin and it has been 3 months now since she has been using it and she’s seeing results.
Ludie Delva
Ludie Delva Best treatment ever!!!
Mar Loopz
Mar Loopz Love my Vitiligo Organic’s product it’s really works!!
Lesha Brown
Lesha Brown This product really works 😊
Elisa Jashari Boyle
Elisa Jashari Boyle Yes, I have tried and it has done wonders. You just have to be very determent and apply every night and massage and every morning apply and expose to the sun for 20 minutes… Results will appear after 2-4 months. Just determination and don’t give up…. I will post a photo as a prove… good luck.
Zaramarieg My dad and mom got me this oil called #vitiligoorganics and I’ve been using it for about 3 months. What I thought were freckles is actually my skin pigment coming back! It may be a long way to go but I had to share! For my #vitiligo family check it out! Progress Report : Look at my skin!!! The oil has helped way more and it is showing! The sun has been out heavy nowadays so I’ve been visiting the doctor to see if it is the sun or the oil, or something else who knows!? The best thing is my smile is bigger than any problem 💛
 Michelle Lehman
Michelle Lehman Hi! I have been using Vitiligo organics and it worked for me. I began using 5 to 6 years ago. It is much more effective on newer spots than old ones so the earlier the intervention the better. I would apply the product at night, wash it off in the morning, bathe in the sun for ONLY 15 minutes. The sun accelerates the process as it assists in melanin production. It takes a long time before you start seeing the effects (months). Just try to be as consistent as you can. I also took a variety of vitamins (B12, folic acid, D3) which helped. Message me if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to answer them.
jamila Bajja
jamila Bajja Does anyone here use this cream and see the results, I have just ordered it for family member and hope she can be cured?
Mandi N Johnny Morris Terra Lindey
Terra Lindey I used this years ago and it cleared up a lot of spots with permanent results… I have recently ordered another bottle and started religiously using it again in other spots… I remember the first time I used it took a solid 3 months to start noticing a difference. So keep using it and give it lots of time. It worked for me!
Wahab Nawabi
Wahab Nawabi If any one needs to try please make sure to take vitamins it will help 50% more with recovering your skin back Vitamin B complex, B9 (folic acid), D3 and Ginkgo Biloba.

Not me but someone using from my family.
If follow the course and use it in the right it will give the good results but if apply Vitiligo Organics ones a week then it will give no results, I know most of the people use it once or twice a week then ask for results which is not right.

Yes I’m agree with that 100% results come out I will send some pictures before and after.
vivi guerrero
Vivi Guerrero Hey Guys! 
I have vitiligo since I was 23 after a thyroid disorder. I’m 48 now. I tried too many products, medicines, from all over the world. It’s hard for me to believe in those new miracle products.
I read about Vitiligo Organics and finally I decided to ordered. I am taking VERY IMPORTANT vitamins for more than 6 months (folic acid, Ginkgo, B12, beta caretone and St. John’s worth). I just started VO last November and after almost three months I’m really surprised watching re pigmentation results on my white patches. I can keep posting my improvements I hope I’ll have. I’m applying at day and night and taking sun just when I can. About the smell, it’s not so disgusting as placenta or alcohol stuff. It is natural and moisture my skin. God Bless you all.
Tweetyy V Varela
Tweetyy V Varela I bought this online 3 years ago worked on my 3 year old who is now 6 and demanded me to stop using it but it’s much smaller in size and worked great when he gets older if it returns or gets larger he will decide if he wants to use it.
Melissa Iraheta
Melissa Iraheta Hey this is Melissa I know this was an old post I wanted to know if you ever did try it. I’m using it now. I’m on my first week. I have a friend that used it for her daughter and in 2 months she a lot of results on her face. As you know kids she said she didn’t even use it everyday but I saw her before and after pictures and she looks great so if she was to use it every day it would be completely gone.
Josie Echiverri
Josie Echiverri I just got my order of the vitiligo organics today. I have this spots for maybe 4 years already. I hope it would work on me.
Gwendolyn Moore I had my spots for many years prior to using this. It worked wonders for me. I hope it does for you too.
Wanda Lycans Gore
Wanda Lycans Gore Do you have use this forever? Or it is gone for good after treatments bring back pigment?
Jennifer Roberts I asked their customer service the same question and they confirmed you just use it until the pigmentation returns!
Tina Gajjar I agree… I have used this and my pigments regenerated and I haven’t had to reuse it. It is amazing and I am patch free for 5 years now.
Maricel Tillo Taclindo I used my son 4 years old every night went I know if it’s already has pigmentation.
Crystal Montgomery
Crystal Montgomery Anyone use this stuff with success?
Andrea Rutherford Had a patient in our clinic who was 12 use it – they did so on their own and took before and after pictures and his improved at least 80-90 percent barely perceptible nearly full re-pigmentation.
Crystal Montgomery Andrea Rutherford thanks great to know
Kinga Slaby
Kinga Slaby Hi all! I’ve had vitiligo for 20 years. I’ve tried a lot of creams but nothing worked. As long as I know there is no effective treatment for it.
Ahmad Arif Hi…you can try vitiligo organics for treatment. I suggest this product because it work for me. Now in Malaysia, Vitiligo Organics quite popular for effective medicine to cure vitiligo.
Luis Amador
Luis Amador Anyone has been cured from vitiligo please help.
Nefertity Dickson This really works! It cured me.
Rebecca Steenbergen
Rebecca Steenbergen I have been using vitiligo organics for just over a week and my white spots are turning red already. I can see the dots on the white patches already. This product is truly amazing!!!I
Ines De Leon Brito
Ines De Leon Brito So I am applying it to my son and if I have seen results especially on the face, of course it is a process and a lot of patience. So far I am satisfied!
Harry Kashat
Harry Kashat My friend used Vitiligo Organics, she show slow results in one month, but also diet, the Pava vitamin not cure the vitiligo, but stop the vitiligo, so do not proceed. She bought the vitiligo organic from their website, not from amazon, or other.
Charlotte Crumpton
Charlotte Crumpton I have started Vitiligo Organics nearly 2 months ago and it’s working. Very slowly, but definitely working!!
Lgnacio Moreno
Lgnacio Moreno This is without any doubt an excellent remedy, I have gained all pigments in the affected areas.
Thank you very much guys.
Mizzladyee I use it but it took some time but it was working and a friend of mine used it and worked really fast.
 Bia Adib
Bia Adib Guys I just want to say your product really works! I sent it to my brother in Brazil and he could not be happier. Thank You so much, you guys are changing people’s lives!!!
it worked for me 👏😍
Ahmad Arif
Ahmad Arif I got vitiligo at the end of 2009, I found a white patch under my nose. At first I just thought it was a bright spot. It does not spread and it does not bother, so I never worried much about it. But it eventually the spot began to turn more and more white and did not recover. I’m so worried then I went to the doctor. The doctor gave me a clinical cream to be applied for the infection. Unfortunately, it was not cured, but it even start growing elsewhere in my face and on my arm.
I try not to worry and just ignore it, thinking it would just stop. But it did not. I started looking for information on the internet until I know that this disease called vitiligo I began to feel worried and a bit sensitive because of embarrassment with others who see myself in such a In fact, some of them began to rebuke about my situation. I am very sad and I ever did not come out for a week. I only went to work and buy the food.
But in February 2010 I found VITILGO ORGANICS on internet via search on Google. At first I hesitated to buy this medicine because the product is from abroad. But I ventured to buy and use this medicine. After using the VITILGO ORGANICS for 1/2 months I started to see the progress which the pigment of the skin become grew. It’s going to take a lot time to fix the problem as I have a lot of it. Luckily, I freed from vitiligo after 6 to 7 months! Just apply this medicine as the directions everyday without skip. Now I am VITILIGO ORGANICS distributor in Malaysia. I hope I can help the patient of vitiligo as much as I can in my country with VITILIGO ORGANICS. I believe we can manage this disease. Every disease has a cure. Good Luck. Ahmed Arif.
Linsu Mendez
Linsu Mendez Hello I usually never talk about it because I like to keep my personal stuff to my self, but this I thought about it because it seems that many people has it and that it didn’t happen just to my kid. So one day I started noticing a white little spot on my sons bottoms, the white spit kept spreading and getting bigger. I took him to his pediatrician and she gave me the saddest news a mother would ever like to hear, she said it was vitiligo it’s the missing of skin cells that slowly stop functioning and pigmentation of the skin fades and it turns white.
 I’m sure you guys have seen people like that… I was devastated thinking he was my baby and how could that affect him and I just couldn’t imagine my baby boy with that. I would cry everyday looking at my baby and thinking what I could do to help him. Everyday I would go online and search vitiligo and learn everything I could to see how to stop it. The pediatrician told me there was nothing to do but to try some stuff from the dermatologists that most of the time didn’t help but to at least try. One day like everyday I went online to keep looking and I say it was prayers to God that that day I came across this product I don’t know why but something was telling me that this was it…
U read about it and like the most of the things you find online there was reviews, but I didn’t know if they were real or not. I looked at the price and it was kind of expensive but that didn’t matter my baby did. So I gave it a try and ordered it! I was nervous because it was a product from “Australia” and I didn’t know whether it was a scam or not. 2 weeks later I got it! And on May 15 2017 I started using it every single night no matter what. Every single day I would pray to God asking him to cure my baby boy with that oil. To make the story short that white spot that was getting bigger and bigger every week suddenly, miraculously stopped and 2 months later I started seeing his skin color coming back. After the dermatologists had said this product wasn’t gonna work and it was just a big waste of money.
My son was actually getting better and I didn’t use they’re creams at all. When I went back to tell them that it was working on him, they said it was just his body fighting it not the oil. But I know it for fact it was this that helped and God that allowed this… so if any of you guys know someone or see someone with this problem because vitiligo is a problem please! Please!! Let them know of this because I used this on my baby boy and it helps! Today he’s a normal kid and all I have to say is thank you God and thanks to the creator of this product! And I have only used it five months 💙
Melissa Campbell
Melissa Campbell Has anyone tried this and had positive results? Or Is this one of those, if it sounds too good to be true… it probably is…
Za Kely The truth that if it gives results to me has started to come out with little brown spots on my neck I have to keep using the treatment is very good I recommend them.
Vitiligo Organics Za Kely Glad to know Vitiligo Organics is helping you getting natural skin color. We wish you all the best & stay blessed.
Toni Kelso
Toni Kelso My son has vitiligo & we’ve been using it for 7 months now. It takes time, but it does work!
Naomi Whelan Do you put it on morning and night? And does he take any vitamins to help?
Toni Kelso Hi Naomi. We apply first thing in the morning and at night before bed. That’s it, No vitamins. It took about 6 months before we started to see improvements. The white patches are not as prominent and the pigment started to come back in a few areas. 7 months saw more changes with the return of pigment spreading and the white fading overall. I’d encourage anyone to give it a go, but have patience and give it time.

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